Wednesday, February 23, 2005


As I said before, I have a couple of posts in the pipeline. I hope to publish them in the next few days, or during the weekend at the latest.

One has the working title, STATUS REPORT: THE WAR ON TERRORISM II. I will try to get a grip on the military strategy and do an attempt to figure out why the leaders of the U.S. defense forces and CIA are cutting deals with the "resistance movement" in Iraq and other terrorists, instead of focusing on the remaining members of the axis of evil... [Editor's note: Do a search on "anti, war, time" and you will find a person who thinks that Bush should negotiate with the enemy.]

I have received two books in the mail. Holly White sent me a review copy of James Valliant's book, The Passion of Ayn Rand's Critics: The Case Against the Brandens. Allen Forkum & John Cox gave me an autographed copy of their book, Black & White World II. I will write a post on why you dear reader should get your own copy of these two books.

In the meantime, read Adam L. Penenberg's article, No Protection for Bloggers. You could also try to answer Frank J.'s question: Who the Hell Do You Think You Bloggers Are? [Via InstaPundit.] Here is a quote from the post, The Truth is Out There. [Via InstaPundit.]

Now get out of here you magnificent, foolhardy bastard. And remember -- like all communiques of the Underground Reality-Based Resistance, this conversation never happened.


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