Monday, November 1, 2004


Carnival of the Capitalists is hosted this week by Will Pate. Here is his welcome message:

Thanks and welcome to my first hosting of the Carnival of the Capitalists - relatively politics free. I've made a deliberate effort to avoid posts that were mostly based on politics. It may be November 1st on an election year, but as a Canadian I want us to remember that the US isn't the center of the universe. Besides, we're better when we stick to the business at hand: business! So if your post with a political bent got left out, don't take it personally - they were all great submissions. :) (, 11/01/04.)

Personally, I think that the U.S. is the clear "center of the universe," and Canada is close to it due the fact it is a neighbor to America. Sweden is almost off the map, up far too north... My entry on currencies didn't make the cut. I probably sent the post too late. Andy Clarkson of Charlotte Capitalist has managed to write a post on business and trade together with politics, by including a trading graph by TradeSports and his analysis on the predicted Presidential election results. Don't miss his post of yesterday: Reason Roundup.

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