Saturday, May 8, 2004


A former teacher from the state of AR is trying to become the new "führer" of the neo-national socialist movement. Read Rebecca Sinderbrand's article, A Racist On the Rise. [Hat tip to Quent Cordair's post on HBL mailing list, 05/08/04.] Here is an excerpt from the article:

"The day after the 9/11 attacks, Roper posted a statement on the Web that read, in part: "Anyone who is willing to drive a plane into a building to kill Jews is alright by me... The enemy of our enemy is, for now at least, our friend."" (Newsweek, May 10 issue.)

Cox & Forkum published a cartoon with the title, Comrades in Hate, on TIA's site in June 2002. If you have their book, Black & White World, turn to page 40.

The group of the "Indo-European plot" is comparing itself with the Spartans. They use the letter Lambda (^) as a symbol.

For more information, go to A-DL and SPL Center.

UPDATE 05/10/04: Have you read Jayna Davis' book, The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing?

For more cartoons like this, check out John Cox & Allen Forkum's book, Black & White World.